Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You are not welcome in my pants.

This is the first time i've ever posted from an actual computer. I always use the blogger app on my phone. Total loser status.

SO. Today i'm here to complain about people. What's new.

I'll be discussing the most typical female whining topic.
I absolutely abhor men that are 100% aware that you're in love with someone, and yet they continue to try to catch your attention. Every single approach is tested. Shower me with compliments? Sorry, there's only one guy i want to hear that stuff from. Buy me things? Thanks, i love free shit. But i don't love you, and i never will. Bring me candy? Attempting to lure a girl in with candy is slightly pedophile-ish. Talk shit on the man i love? I really really REALLY dislike people that talk down on people i love. Tell me my love is hooking up with other girls? COOL YOU JUST MADE ME CRY. -1239128639176 points.
All i'm trying to say is you will fail in every attempt to win my heart. Get that through your head.
Then all of a sudden reality slaps them in the face. That sweet guy turns into a mini me of satan. They'll grab any chance they can to simply throw it in my face that i broke their heart. If they find an opportunity to take a rude stab at my feelings? Of course they'll take it.
Guess what.
Yes, i'm a sweet girl with a big heart. I love people. I love caring about people. But if you attempt to get in my pants through sweet talk, fail epicly, and follow your failure up with treating me like an ass; you might as well write me off as being a cold hearted bitch, because i owe you nothing more than that.
And as a side note to one particular guy, i think it's kind of funny that you tried to guilt trip me for being with Devin again, and not even 3 hours later, the truth is out that you're with other women. Good try. (:

People, please stop giving me crap about Devin. I know you guys have my best interest in mind. You guys don't want to see me hurt, and i appreciate that. But if you really want me to be happy, let me do my own thing with Devin. He makes me so happy. Yes, we fight..too much. And you guys are more aware of the bad times because i tend to advertise those in my attempt to find comfort. But please also be aware that Devin and i have A LOT of good times too. I don't know what the future holds for him and i. We might be together forever, we might not. I can't worry about the future though. I'm trying to live one day at a time. Right now, i'm happy. Let that be. There will be more tears, but there will also be more smiles.
I'm not one to take advice. I have to find things out for myself. Plus, i've never seen anyone take their own advice, so why should i?

Holy balls, i lost track of time. A longgg work day is calling my name.

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